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Latest updates from the M&M Lab!

About Us

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information that you have access to daily? Do you often wonder whether something you've read or heard is fact or fiction? Have you ever thought about how all this information may impact your behavior and the choices you make? Yes to any of the above? Well you're not alone because we've wondered too!

In the Memory and Misinformation Lab we are interested in understanding how we store memories for the large amounts of information we come across daily. In particular, we want to better understand how we process information after we learn that it's not true. With many of us receiving much information and even our news through social media platforms it can become difficult to know what things we read are true and which are inaccurate. The goal of our lab is to examine misinformation processing through a social media lens using functional neuroimaging and behavioral studies so we can better understand how misinformation is processed in the brain and inform ways that we can better correct misinformation to fight against its continued influence over our decisions.

Questions about our research?
Interested in joining the lab?